
64 Movie Reviews

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Add subtitles and increase the audio... its hard to follow their voices and dialogue.

Sounds like indistinct voices glitching out and talking... it would be awesome if I could be able to follow along.

Yikes. We need a quality filter like the art and audio portals...

The puns... they're PAINFUL XD. But an enjoyable animation, great job!

BUT, the lineart is wonky and uneven and needs more steadiness however this is a minor thing imo.

Overall, it's pretty good with one minor negative but I like the wacky-cute artstyle.

Also, Ignore Nicholas' comment, it's silly and not constructive at all. Keep heading on your current path and improve.

The sprite work is alright but not really that original... perhaps try doing more with it?

The music is a good choice though, but still unoriginal. It's only a remixed version of the mad dummy's music. I understand if you may not be able to compose music yourself so if not, please ignore this part.

It needs a lot more work but you'll get better.

themetaleye responds:

Thanks for your feedback. I'll be sure to work on it :)

Your Highschool has a dedicated animation class!? Man, it must have great funding...

Anyway, you've got a lot of talent at your age, keep it up man. You're gonna go far!

However, ease up on the flashing lights at certain points; it can be a little straining on the eyes and potentially dangerous for people with epilepsy or seizures but great work on the animation.

I give 5 stars for the comedy and animation but 0 stars for the unintelligence. If you do a simple google search, you can quickly find out the candidate's policy positions.

So, the message displayed in the video is a hit and a miss for me. If you can't be bothered to do a simple thing then don't even bother, you're just gonna make everything worse.

Ditch the ad, but the animation was great.

I don't know why people are getting so emotional about the ad... Newgrounds allows you to skip stuff with it's time slot mover thingy.

But yeah, I concede to their point though; ditch the ad but the ad doesn't effect the animation whatsoever. 5 stars.

I wanna be able to do collaborative stuff like this in the near future, really awesome stuff. Everyone did really well.

I especially love Gooseworx's animation part, looked really silly and it compounded on the comedy so well.

And the Dakimura pillow... comedy G O L D.

Good to see Zeurel works again, used to watch his stuff when I was younger. Great project man, awesome stuff.

Digital Artist/3D Artist

Age 26, Male

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